A review by michaelgreenreads
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears


Great audiobook, I appreciate that she allowed Michelle Williams to take it on. 
Reading about how Britney was a child looking up to Mariah Carey. 🥺♥️ I forget that she was a kid with her own idols. And OMG I forgo celebrities are ~actually~ into New Age spirituality. 😅 
I found Britney's mind fascinating - she defends some things that I never expected (creepy old photographers), and is so open and thoughtful about others (the way she talks about her sexuality and marriages is so unshamed, unbowed). 
The best and the most tragic part; the postpartum chapters and the descriptions of what it feels like to be an artist whose cash is tightly controlled under conservatorship are sadder than I even expected and ridiculously well presented.