A review by liana
Escaping the Body by Chloe N. Clark


Okay, so I am still a bit undecided on this one, hence the 3 star rating, sitting perfectly in the middle. While I read this very quickly, I sometimes feel like poetry is not necessarily meant to be read quickly - in fact, my favourite poetry book so far - Louise Gluck's The Wild Iris - took me more than two weeks to finish, simply because I took my time reading it, sitting with every poem for a few minutes before moving on to the next one, or returning to a previous poem every now and then. 

I thought Clark's strongest poems in this collection were the ones where nature and natural imagery was at the forefront. Her use of imagery reminded me of Mary Oliver, even if their themes and use of language are ultimately quite different; still, it felt like Clark was more in her element in those poems, managing to be both poignant and dreamy at the same time. Some other recurring themes and metaphors, like the ones regarding space, for instance, were a bit lost on me; not a testament to her writing, but more so a matter of personal taste, as I struggled to connect with them in the same way. 

That being said, I thought two of her strongest poems in the collection were "For someone who doesn't have to believe in monsters" and "Error Coding" Error Coding especially just really hit a spot for me, and I definitely think I will be coming back to it again.