A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Bonded by Laura Wright


**4.5 Stars**

One night stands that result in pregnancies are one of my faaaavorite kind of books. Especially when they’re ones that pull on your heart because of the emotional/sexual struggle that the heroine and hero have. Most especially when it’s Blue Perez Cavanaugh who has emotionally walled himself away. Oh I love watching them break…

Emily Shiver is a good person brought up in a great family. She’s well cared for, able to stand on her own two feet, and think for herself. And what she wants more than anything in this world is to own that building down on Main Street to open her flower shop and live above it. Waitressing at the Bull’s Eye is a stepping stone to that dream, and it’s there that she has her fated encounter with the mysterious Blue. I loved Emily’s caring nature, how she was sort of vulnerable in that respect, but far more than willing to handle things on her own, and sometimes preferred it that way. She had no problem with taking charge, pushing or pulling Blue to where she knew he needed to be, and simply being someone he could finally rely on.

Blue Perez Cavanaugh had the rug slipped out from underneath him not too long ago in many aspects. Betrayed by his mother, shunned by his new family, neglected by his father, and utterly played with by his supposed girlfriend. His wall is as tall as it is wide…and that sucker might as well be the Wall of China. It’s understandable that he doesn’t trust a soul, and it’s believable when he falls into the arms of Emily for one drunken night to forget it all. He may have been a ‘bastard’ but he’ll be damned if his own kid is one so he’ll work on that wall, slowly taking each brick away, for her. For their baby. And it was beautiful to see it happen.

Blue and Em’s love affair was wildly sexy. Each time they were around each other I was chanting, “Touch her. Kiss her. Hold her.” Their story tugged on my heartstrings many times for the missed opportunities, and hurt feelings along the way. Blue was lost and he just needed to be found. And it just so happened that a beautiful, caring woman became his beacon and that unplanned baby kept that light burning. The suspense, with the main story arc that’s carried throughout the series, was amazing to see come to a conclusion. To see everyone have their peace, the best they could find, after something so awful. I read (or I should say consumed) this story in mere hours because it was that good. It was emotionally raw and sexually vibrant…I loved it.

*I have only read books three and four, and was able to follow the story fine as each book is about a different brother. You will get a bigger picture of the main arc if you read all of them.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**