A review by queerlitloft
In Dyer Need: The First Chapter by Claire Highton-Stevenson


This book doesn't disappoint, i totally enjoyed it, so much so i'll probably go ahead and buy it to keep (read on KU).

I'm slightly biased in that i love end of the world post apocalyptic shizz, but i'm not overly into pure romance stories. This however was the perfect combination of hotness, romance, angst and action.
The writing is to a high quality and flows well, with a story arc that even for a survivalist genre doesn't come across as too over the top.

Hailing from the UK and Yorkshire at that, i really enjoyed that the story was set in England, it just adds another layer to the vividness of your own imagination.
The main characters were believable in their job roles and blossoming romance. I liked that we start to see the other sides of their public personas and i'm intrigued to see how that develops in the next book.

Totally worth reading/purchasing!