A review by bookishbunny_
The Design of Us by Sajni Patel


I did enjoy this story but I'm going to start off with some struggles I had with the book.

First, I just really need more adjectives used to describe the characters, particularly Sunny. The amount of times I've read about his "Denzel voice" and how he's a "grumpy Sunny" with his "frustrated wrinkle between his brow", it was quite exasperating because they were written over and over and over again. It seemed like there was nothing else about Sunny.

The characters were cute together but we really don't see any development in Sunny and Bhanu's relationship until much later in the story. They're also very similar characters so there was nothing really unique about them. I would have liked if there was more character development in this book as a whole. Even at the end, I'm not sure I was convinced of their feelings for each other. Sunny had some cute and swoony moments but Bhanu just seemed to settle. Her actions confused me quite a bit at the end, especially because she had much different priorities.

I liked the Desi representation in this book and the author did a great job incorporating part of their culture into the story. Though the way they (particularly Bhanu) handled the conflict at the end wasn't all that great, I was still rooting for them to become a couple. The conflict was frustrating because it was a typical self-imposed miscommunication sort of thing and I definitely felt like Sunny was way more into Bhanu. There were many things that could have been developed more but overall, this was a quick and light romance book!

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!