A review by mjsam
Against All Odds by Kris Bryant


ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of this book intrigued me, especially as it is one story told by three authors. I don’t know if they each took a POV, I’ve read a lot of Bryant’s books, but haven’t read enough of Ulrich or Cummings to be able to decide who wrote what. In all honesty I only read the Tory and Peyton POV sections and either didn’t read or just skimmed over any of “Bradley’s” scenes because, to quote a line Tory says in the book “I don’t care. I don’t care what his issues are or why he did it.”

Peyton and Tory are both great characters, the connection between them at the start of the book carries through and their entire relationship was sweet and organic. It helped that they talked to each other and there were no stupid dramas and unnecessary breakups to endure. The side characters aren’t really too fleshed out, but I didn’t care because I was more interested in the leads and their relationship anyway. I did enjoy all scenes with Peyton’s family and Jake, but felt that Tory wasn’t as well explored in who was in her life, other than her cat.

As noted before, I did not care about Bradley, and would have preferred that his POV wasn’t included at all, and the follow up subplot after the shooting was also unnecessary. Less of him would have allowed for more time with the side characters, and Peyton and Tory’s recoveries, which I’d have enjoyed more.

Still this was a lovely romance built on the premise that good things can come from terrible situations, which quite frankly, is something to cling to in the current climate. 4 stars.