A review by bookadventurer
The Crystal Variation by Sharon Lee, Steve Miller


Excellence. As usual, up to the high standards I expect from these two, my favorite, authors.

The characters are always complex, and the settings always descriptive. The pace was a bit slower for these works, than I found in their earlier works.

I really love the importance of manners, and the evocation of the alien culture that requires dozens of different bows and dozens of different intonations and "modes" of speech. I especially enjoyed the interactions between hapless Terrans who only speak one mode, and the Liadens, often conversant in a depth of shades of meanings that Terrans can't imagine. The interactions between the separate species are brilliant.

The inner strength of the characters, their intelligence, intuitiveness, and empathy are also big draws for me.

These books in particular added a different species, one that is completely alien to the human-based Liadens and Terrans. The description of these energy-beings was detailed and reasonable enough that it seems they could actually have existed; they seemed realistic.

The sentient Tree steals the show.

Lastly, the action is fast-paced enough to make the stories nearly un-put-downable.

A quick synopsis:
These three books describe the origins of the Korval clan, who are so fun to read about in other Liaden novels.

The first novel ([b:Crystal Soldier|288756|Crystal Soldier (Liaden Universe - The Great Migration Duology, #1)|Sharon Lee|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1312507913s/288756.jpg|975994]) in this omnibus follows M. Jela, an engineered soldier who recognizes the danger posed by the energy-beings who are not-so-slowly devouring the universe. M. Jela is a wonderful character, and his partner Cantra yos'Phelium, is intriguing, mysterious, tough, and likeable. Together, they set out to stop the dissipation of the universe.

The second novel ([b:Crystal Dragon|288758|Crystal Dragon (Liaden Universe - The Great Migration Duology, #2)|Sharon Lee|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1173445522s/288758.jpg|2196900]) follows the same protagonists as they get closer to their goal of "saving" the universe. In order to do this, they need a mathematical formula that will allow them to pilot to an alternate universe. This requires Cantra to re-make herself into a scholar to infiltrate the tower where the mathematical genius lives.

The third novel ([b:Balance of Trade|288759|Balance of Trade (Liaden Universe, #3)|Sharon Lee|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1309286087s/288759.jpg|280168]) introduces Jethri Gobelyn, a Terran with an affinity for Liaden culture and language, and great skill in trading. He gets involved with some pleasant and unpleasant Liadens as he tries to make a name for himself in the trading universe.