A review by hollidayreadswithme
Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh


For more of my reviews, check out my book blog at www.readingreckless.wordpress.com.

Steve Cavanagh is now one of my favorite writers. I did not say this lightly. Normally I can take notes, and the occasional pause for a sip of water. I was not able to do any of that. This took me on a ride that I will never forget. I do not normally read courtroom dramas. There isn’t much that I find particularly thrilling about courtroom procedurals.

However, Eddie Flynn is not your typical lawyer. He is a rough and tumble kind of guy who’s street smarts (read: shady past) and impeccable memory give him a unique take on his client’s cases. I realized after receiving the advanced copy, that this book is the fourth book in a series about this lawyer. If the previous three books are anything like this, I have to read all of them. This book had drama, intrigue, danger, Nail Biting tension, precision and the unflappable courage to go past any lines drawn in the proverbial sand. (Read: very graphic descriptions)

In this book we follow both killer and Lawyer side-by-side as they duke it out. Good vs Evil. It is not often that you get the killer’s perspective. But this is not where the ingenuity ends, in fact, it’s only the beginning. We are given the killer's backstory and pieces of clues about the case. My mind started to churn and I thought I figured it out. When you think you know, Cavanagh shows you that you don’t know...anything. With so many twists and turns, riding this roller coaster was both terrifying and enticing.

I turned the last page and I was at a loss for words. To say that I enjoyed this book would be a massive understatement.