A review by caffeineaddict980
Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles


'Hate is too ugly of a devil for some people to acknowledge, but the thing about hate is you can't throw it on someone else without getting a little bit on yourself.'

Marvin goes to a party with his twin Tyler and never expected a night of what should have been harmless fun to turn into a shooting, a police raid happening shortly after.
Straight after the party, Tyler goes missing. Marvin and his family go frantic looking for him, but soon a leaked online video gives them clarity.
Tyler has been shot and killed by a police officer.

This novel is raw and touches on many different scenes featuring police brutality against africian americans which is extremely disturbing to read about, but is important!

There are a few shining lights in this book that don't discriminate Marvin for the colour of his skin or his background. We find these in Ms. Tanner, who is Marvin's English teacher, who seems to be the most supportive within the book aside from Marvin's group of close friends.

Overall, this novel is an important one highlighting difficult topics of grief, discrimination and police brutality.