A review by meghan_plethoraofpages
The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawnie Walton


The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawnie Walton

A wildly impressive debut featuring a fictional 1970’s musical duo, Opal and Nev, it’s told in a flawless oral history format, where each voice is so well done, it flows so easily, conversationally. The story chronicles the group’s origins, how the pair each individually come to music, how they find one another, their rise to entering pop culture stardom. There’s been rumblings of a reunion following a twenty-plus year hiatus of the duo, and rock journalist Sunny is getting a complete picture for a possible book timed for release after their re-entry on the music scene. After a disastrous showcase in the 1970’s where the duo’s Black drummer was beaten and killed, they were thrust into the spotlight, getting their chance at stardom. Sunny is the daughter of that drummer; her research interest is not only professional but personal.

Due to the similarities of both format and time period, this book will likely be compared to Bookstagram-favourite Daisy Jones & The Six. While both music groups felt real, and were engrossing reads, that’s where the comparison can end. This book has something to SAY and it’s delivery was incredible.

Opal is this amazingly complex character; she’s a performer, she’s got nerves of steel, she’s loud, creative, and she’s not afraid to shy away from confrontation for what is right. She’s Black, and through her oral history she shows us the ugly faces of racism and sexism she’s had to face time and again. Her musical partner, Nev, is a British white guy, and their relationship, both friend & professional is slowly extracted by Sunny throughout the interviews.

The characters all felt so real; it’s a real feat. Characters make bad decisions, deal with addictions, love & betray each other, have ups and downs.. I only wish I could hear some of their music!

Overall, this is an awesome, timely, thought provoking debut novel. I’m so grateful to Simon & Schuster Canada and Netgalley for access to an e-copy of this book in change for an honest review. This publishes March 30, 2021!