A review by theangrylawngnome
Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? by Patrick J. Buchanan


I found this book so utterly depressing that I could only read it in small chunks, over a much longer period of time than any book I have managed to complete, at least in recent memory. And since I did not take notes while reading I am uncertain whether or not I have properly remembered what I read early on. And I am also concerned that Mr. Buchanan has overreached himself on certain claims made, and that the evidence presented in support of said claims is perhaps tilted in support of said claims.

But those, sadly, are my only quibbles and caveats with this work. By and large, Buchanan lets the facts speak for themselves, and draws reasonable -- if perhaps unwelcome -- conclusions from them. Beyond that, most of what else I would have to say would simply be a regurgitation of the dust jacket, and I honestly see no point in engaging in Klausneresque antics, or tricking anyone into wasting their time with such a thing.

On a personal note, my own politics do not line up perfectly with Buchanan's, and in the social sphere are at odds with his on a fair number of issues. In consequence it was those portions of the work I found most disturbing. I was particularly taken aback by the utter callousness shown by our current president -- directly quoted by Buchanan (pp. 405-6) -- regarding non-urban white voters in Pennsylvania. Such beliefs taken to their logical conclusion lead nowhere I want to go, though I must admit my crystal ball is murky as to specifics. But if David Duke and his ilk have also read them, they must have danced a jig of pure, unalloyed joy rather than shudder as I did. That much I am certain of.