A review by mackle13
Mothstorm by Philip Reeve


I've been waiting for this book for awhile - first waiting for it to be published, and then waiting for it in paperback. Finally I got tired of waiting, and nabbed it from the library so I could read it.

I've enjoyed the series a lot, and this book continues to boy's-own adventure tale with the touches of Victoriana Imperialism in the far reaches of space. This time, however, we are threatened by an external foe - the Mothstorm.

In this entry, I enjoyed the bits that Myrtle narrated more than Art's. Myrtle is still annoyingly prim, though there are times when he adventurer spirit shines through. Moreso, though, her bits were more personal. Art's bits seemed a bit, I dunno - distant.

Also, all the references to the post-story time sort of killed a lot of potential suspense, because you knew that everything would turn out. I mean, you pretty much know that going into these stories, anyway, but, in this you really knew. It's almost like reading a history, in a way, and, I dunno, between the narration style and the lack of suspense, some of his parts were a bit ho-hum - so it's kinda a shame that his parts are the majority.

But, anyway - I said in my last review that this is a fun, adventure series with some indefinable quality holding it back from being a solid 4. The same is sadly true in this last installment - but, still, I'll take what I can get. :)