A review by msrcreation
Vampires Never Get Old: Tales with Fresh Bite by Natalie C. Parker, Zoraida Córdova


 I have finally read the whole anthology! Here's my thoughts for each story but overall I really loved this book which is a rare one for me since I struggle to like short story collection.

-Seven Nights for Dying - 3 stars
This was an interesting start. I like the exploring of why you would want or not want to become a vampire. Relationships seem interesting if they got more time. Not bad but by the end of the book I kind of forgot about it.

-The Boys From Blood River - 5 Stars
I loved this one. It gave me Near Dark vibes for some reason and I loved it. I like the use of the song and liked the main character. The vampires were great and I would easily read a whole book for this story.

-Senior Year Sucks - 5 Stars
This had a slow start but once it got going I adored it. I could see a full novel of this hate to love sapphic vampire/slayer romance and I would buy it instantly. I will always enjoy a vampire and slayer learning to understand each other and a relationship growing between them.

-The Boy and The Bell - 3 Stars
This went a completely different direction than I was expecting which I really enjoyed. A violent end and the use of the bells were great. Another slow start that ends well. But I will say it was one I forgot about by the end of the book again.

-A Guidebook for the Newly Sired Desi Vampire - 3 Stars
This one was super unique. Being a guide book for a new vampire was wonderful and it was hilarious to read. It didn't blow me away but I still really enjoyed it.

-In Kind - 5 Stars
I think this was a lot of peoples favorite from some of the reviews I read and it's for good reason. This is so good! It's dark and sad. Watching her struggle was heartbreaking but really feels good as a conclusion. I also truly loved the conversations on chronic illnesses and disabilities. Wonderful story from start to finish. It's one that works so perfectly as a short story but is also something I would read hundreds of pages about.

-Vampires Never Say Die - 3 Stars
A bit disappointed in this one. I think I expected it to be gay the entire time and was just so let down that it wasn't. I liked it just not as much as others.

-Bestiary - 2 Stars
Was a bit bored with this story. It's sad because I really love the idea with her connections with animals. That was interesting but the story as a whole didn't really do anything for me. I wanted more from it.

-Mirrors, Windows, & Selfies - 2 Stars
What a let down. It mainly came down to the end that ruined this one. It is such a build up with his parents and the other vampires and all these questions. And you never get any answers which just makes it fall flat.

-The House of Black Sapphires - 2 Stars
These last few stories weren't great and this one was unfortunately the same. The ending really just ends. It's so quick a cut off. Maybe this one really needed a full book I'm not sure but not one of my favorites.

-First Kill I actually read back in June 2022 so here is my review from then-
5 Stars
It’s just too short! I know it’s a short story and it’s such a well done short story but I could easily see this being an entire series and I would love every second. I do plan on reading the rest of the anthology this is a part of but wanted to get through this one before the show. I’m about half way through the show and loving it. But it just solidifies my thought that this could be a great book series.