A review by vicdigital
Axis by Robert Charles Wilson


Incredibly thought-provoking book, a sequel to the equally compelling "Spin". And this is apparently the middle book of what will turn out to be a trilogy, which makes sense, because the BIG idea of these two books has yet to be resolved.

Wilson is a master at putting very HUMAN characters in the midst of these amazing, mind-blowing situations, and allowing the reader to fully experience these events.

However... I HAVE noticed a disturbing trend in his novels that I'd be perfectly happy to see him abandon, and that's where one character (the one usually driving the human side of the plot) turns out to be more than a little crazy. They become the de facto 'villain' of the book, when one wasn't needed. First "The Chronoliths", then "Spin" and now "Axis" (and likely his other books as well), someone emerges in this role. In the first two books, it was necessary (and in The Chronoliths, it works fantastically), but here, it feels a bit forced.

One side note, I know that Wilson is an agnostic or an atheist, and attempts to seed some of his novels with this doubt about God, but in MY experience reading his books, it only helps reinforce my own faith. As with anything beyond our understanding or ability to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, we must ultimately fall back on pure faith, and many of his characters do indeed do that. I find it comforting, rather than unsettling.

Anyway, this is a wonderful book. But definitely read "Spin" first.