A review by catisbookish
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear


This was the longest blog post I’ve ever read.  

No, but seriously, this book was just one giant advertisement for atomichabits.com, where you can access the “free bonus content,” including different charts and journaling templates, his newsletter, a bonus chapter, another bonus chapter, apparently also his personal yearly “decision journal” and annual reviews, and I’m sure much, much more!  

On top of him interrupting the narrative every couple of paragraphs to plug his website, the writing is so repetitive and all of the concepts SO over-explained.  It sounded like this:
Habits are hard to form sometimes, because that habit is undesirable.  For example, I don’t like taking the garbage out, because it smells bad.  Exercise is unpleasant in the moment, so I don’t do it.  We find excuses not to do the hard thing, because the hard thing is hard.  But, how do we make the hard things less hard?  Well, we start by making the hard things a little less hard. Hard things aren’t as hard to do when the hardness is a little less hard.  Hardy har, habits habits habits, please go look at my website I’m fucking BEGGING YOU PLEASE CHECK OUT MY WEBS——

There is useful information in here, but most of that info can be found elsewhere for free.  There are tons of influencers, podcasters, bloggers, etc., who talk about the concepts in the book, and honestly probably in more detail than what was included here.  At every opportunity to provide extra information, we are redirected to his website to FIND OUT MORE.  DUDE.  Why do you think people are reading your book?  Why even write a book, when almost all of the information included in said book is on your blog?  (Oh wait, all the stuff is behind a paywall?  You actually have to email [email protected] with your purchase receipt to access the content?  Oh, right, yeah…)

So, safe to say that I didn’t get the hype, and unfortunately I took away very little useful information from this book.