A review by booksdogsandjess
Del infierno al paraiso by Erin St. Claire, Sandra Brown


Do you remember Amanda Seyfreid’s character Karen from Mean Girls?
Mean Girls Gif

Well imagine she grew up and was also a Christian, then you would have our leading lady in Led Astray, Jenny.

Yep, a bit of a dumb dumb. Why does innocent have to equal stupid in these romance novels? Why????? Argh! A conversation for another day and a bit of a deep conversation for this waiting pool of a story.

Anyways the romantic leading man is Cage, a hot alpha male bad boy who has been in love with Jenny from afar for years, but Jenny is oblivious (understatement of the century) and has always been involved with his younger brother (the goody two-shoes), so afar he stays. Until the younger brother Hal decides he is going on a trip to save poor people in South America or something it is some dangerous Bible thing.
Break it down: Jenny is not his priority.
Cage decides he will steal her away while younger brother is off missioning (or whatever it is called). Kind of a shitty thing for Cage to do but in all fairness Hal seems like a shitty brother.

Here is where the book gets a bit…I don’t know.... it could definitely sink the story for many. Jenny is upset the night Hal is to leave and is given a valium, 1 Valium. She then decides to throw her virgin self at him to encourage him to stay he is not into it (I am not a dude but this did not ring true to me) any way devastated and a bit stoned from the valium (the 1 Valium) she is sobbing in bed and our “Hero?” Cage comes in to “comfort her” and she mistakes him for goody two shoes and they have sex. When it becomes clear the next day that Jenny has no clue she "cheated" on Hal, Cage does not tell her what’s up and then tries to woo her and what not for the rest of the book until it all comes back to blow up in his face.

If the drug haze (from the 1 Valium) sex had been handled differently it may have made this book, more enjoyable but the fact that this girl came off as so oblivious to everything made it hard to get into.