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A review by sasstronaut
Redshirts by John Scalzi


As a lifetime lover of tv sci-fi, and most especially Star Trek, and a fan of well-made parodies, this was perhaps the perfect gift for me from a friend who clearly knows me well.
Anyone can make fun of Star Trek cliches; many do. Some even manage to do it with smart humor but what draws me so much to this book is the love. This is the best kind of parody - one that celebrates the ridiculous while highlighting the absurdity, without putting it down.

Even the big cheesy crux of the story of why everything is happening the way it is is lovably ridiculous, in the same vein as some of the silliest Trek. It’s pushed the characters outward into the meta, simultaneously pulling the reader into another story of the tried and true characters in any sci-fi story.

This book brought out in me the same silly pleasure I get from the OG stuff and it’s parody offshoot - Galaxy Quest. I’m glad this is on my bookshelf and I’ll give it another read next time I need a good mood.