A review by lousnewchapter
Feminists Don't Wear Pink (And Other Lies): Amazing Women on What the F-Word Means to Them by Scarlett Curtis


"At a time when we are too often being reminded of what divides us, there is common ground to be found when we share our stories" - Emma Watson

I have been calling myself as a feminist for quite a while now, I can't pin point the exact moment when but after I truly realised what the movement was really about (and not the negativity that can sometimes surround it in the media) that was when I decided.
However I've recently been thinking that I know very little about feminism which is why I set out to do some extra reading on it and came across this particular book.
Now this book isn't a textbook telling you every little thing you need to know about the movement and how to be a feminist and overloading you with facts and information (although there is a history section towards the end which is very interesting!). It's a collection of essays from several incredible women describing what femisim means to them and each sharing their stories. This book is very powerful and just shows you how differently people can connect with feminism. It was a great starting point for me on my feminism educational journey.
I found this book very eye opening and would highly reccomend to all feminists or anyone who just wants to find out more about it.