A review by yevalovesdanmei
Brother & Sister Enter the Forest by Richard Mirabella


There are some books that are very dramatic and the sadness hits you like a truck. This book, however, is more quiet and the sadness creeps into you slowly making you feel dread. But also hope?
Justin is the character I related to the most. He experienced a form of grooming, sexual assault, psychological abuse, and domestic assault. All of this was experienced whilst he was still in highschool. The aftermath, without giving too many spoilers, ruined his entire life.

His mother attempted to be concerned when he first returned from the forest (again, don’t want to spoil) but then it became too taxing on her and she gave up. Once she gave up she basically didn’t want anything to do with him or his trauma. I hated her but she was also human. No fairytale sugarcoating.

Justin’s sister is a little more complex but she also irked me a little. She had a close bond with her brother but only when it didn’t impose on her life.

All of that leaves Justin alone and unwanted. He does meet someone who takes more time to understand him and attempts to start a new life, however, it’s not a happy ending. Rather, it’s a lukewarm ending where the couple is trying to make it despite all of Justin’s psychological trauma and his sister is still in a place of confusion over whether she wants to help or not. It’s a melancholy open ended end to a quiet tale.

What made this a five star from me is the fact that he is honestly in the same position as me. I am currently struggling with a lot of mental health problems and my entire family and friends are exasperated by me. That’s what makes this story special to me.

All in all, even if you enter the forest with someone you aren’t guaranteed to leave together. In this case, one sibling made it out and one is stuck in the dark by himself.