A review by eyed
Lost Lore: A Fantasy Anthology by Dyrk Ashton, Alec Hutson, Steven Kelliher, Michael R. Miller, Terrible Ten, J.P. Ashman, Bryce O'Connor, Ben Galley, Phil Tucker, Mike Shel, Timandra Whitecastle, Laura M. Hughes, T.L. Greylock, David Benem, Jeffrey Hall, Benedict Patrick


This was a pretty awesome collection of stories. I was familiar a few of the authors going in but based on the list I had very high hopes. I was not at all disappointed. There were of course some stories I didn't like as much as others and some that I thought were completely amazing. Pretty standard for anthologies though.

My favorite was I, Kane by Laura M Hughes. It started as an interrogation but took such a cool turn. It was fantastically well written and I loved everything about it. I have read Danse Macabre and loved it so I am looking forward to anything new from this author.

Another of my favorites was And They Were Never Heard From Again by Benedict Patrick. It was a fantastic tale about the power of stories and I enjoyed it a lot. I have added They Mostly Come Out at Night to my to read list and am looking forward to reading it soon.

Making a Killing by David Benem was another awesome story. It was a dark tale of murder for hire. A very quick read with some really cool characters that I hope to read more about in the future.

Black Barge by J.P. Ashman was a nice glimpse int to the world of Black Powder Wars which i have had for a while but haven't gotten around to reading yet. This has added some motivation to move it up my list though.

The First Thread by Alec Hutson was a little odd for me. I am really interested in the world it took place in but I was not really a fan of any of the characters that were in this story. I would definitely read some more of his work to figure out how I feel about it.

The Light in the Jungle by Jefferey Hall. I didn't particularly care for this story. there was nothing wrong with it really it just wasn't for me.

Palesword by T.L. Greylock. A very well written Norse themed story about a priestess. I enjoyed the characters and I want to read more about them.

A Simple Thing by Bryce O’Connor. This is a pretty dope story about an assassins first job. It was a very quick and fun read. Added some of Mr. O’Connors books to my need to read list

The Prisoner by Phil Tucker. I am a big fan if the Chronicles of the Black Gate. I am always interested in more from the world. This was a nice little glimpse of the beginning of how Enderl became the Savage he was.

The Huntress by Michael R. Miller. I enjoyed this story right until the end. I found it kind of unrealistic how easily Elsie gave up her child. That is just my opinion, beyond that it was a good story and I will read more of this world at some point.

Paternus: Deluge by Dyrk Ashton. A very interesting version of the flood. A little slown for me but a nice introduction to some characters from Paternus which I really enjoyed. Definitely looking forward to the new book in the series.

Into the Woods by Timandra Whitecastle. This story was fantastically written. It kept me extremely interested the whole way through. I would really have liked this one to be longer. I will definitely be reading more form this author.

No More Fairy Tales by Ben Galley. A very interesting read. The characters were very well defined and I have a lot of interest in reading more about this world. The Written has been added to my to read list for sure.

Barrowlands by Mike Shel. While I really enjoyed the story itself, the characters for me were a little lacking but still a good read. I will be checking out Aching God.

A Tree Called Sightless by Steven Kelliher. This was another story that while nothing wrong with it just wasn't for me.

This was a really good read. I would recommend it to anyone that is a fan of fantasy, especially if you are in the market for some new favorite authors.

Also it is free! It is great and free, you can't really beat that.