A review by kaulyjo
Extreme Couponing: Learn How to Be a Savvy Shopper and Save Money... One Coupon at a Time by Beth Adelman, Joni Meyer-Crothers


My job situation will be changing in a few months, and in preparation for that, I've been trying to stockpile some items. I wish I had read this book first because I think in some of the panic to have some items in place, I've missed some golden opportunities to save money.

I've always watched Extreme Couponing with one of those "it's so strange you can't look away" mentalities. Who would really want to have 800 bottles of sports drinks on hand? Who could possibly use all of that. What I like about Meyer-Crothers' book is that she will tell you that first she shops for her family, but then, because she is very good at getting a lot for a little, she shops for those who are less fortunate, donating a lot to her community through churches, other organizations, and even a free pantry she runs out of her garage. She writes this book not to make everyone hoarders but to unlock the potential of what they could do for others with some planning, some skill, and a lot of heart. I'm not ashamed (much) to admit that I teared up a few times at her very honest call to action for philanthropy through couponing.

Some of the tips she gives are pretty common sense. Others go a bit more in depth about how to really maximize your savings. I was left wanting even more information, but that's why I'm assuming that her in-person classes are so popular. The woman very clearly knows what she's doing, and the book gives you a solid foundation, but I wanted just a little more, too.