A review by alleskelle
The Effing List by Cherise Sinclair



Overall I really enjoyed my time back at The Shadowlands. I loved seeing more of all my favorite Masters and Shadowkittens!

If you're familiar with the series, this one is for you, however I wouldn't really recommend it as a gateway to Ms Sinclair's work.

I loved Valerie and Ghost together. Always a pleasure to get mature characters in romance or erotica and the author makes it a point to showcase this particular aspect in her books, especially in this one, with the heroine finally putting herself first at the age of 50.

I could have done without the over the top villains, I had to remind myself this wasn't a prop for the next Jerry Springer show or whatever else reality trash tv show. Even the confrontational scene with Valerie's children at the end had me rolling my eyes, it was unimaginative and a rushed resolution of so many chapters witnessing her ex husband and slaves putting her down.

My critical brain also had a hard time believing the state of affairs at the club and the reason behind it. After all it's been 15 books now we've been told Master Z is so astute, insightful and sentient yet he cleared a smarmy manager before flying off to Europe for family matters? Why not delegate club matters to trusting Masters instead of a stranger? That seemed odd and out of character and felt like poor plotting to me.

As always, I'm looking forwrd to the next book, which looks like is set to be Saxon story.

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