A review by trisha_thomas
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready


“Wherever you are," I whispered, "I hope you're smiling.”

Interesting story. Intro Aura (I decided to pronounce it like "oora" just like Zachary did). She's been able to see the dead since she was born. And she's used this ability to help her aunt with her legal practice by taking statements/depositions from the dead.

Interesting right?

Aura wouldn't say she has the perfect life, but she's got a pretty okay life. Until her boyfriend, Logan, makes a poor choice - and the next time she sees him, he's the violet coloring of the dead.

I really enjoyed this book - the heartbreak of Aura trying to wade through her life and juggling Logan as a spirit vs alive. And her juggle with the stars, her mom's past and the Keeley's all mixed together.

I even loved the intro of Zachary, the possible new interest for Aura. He's sweet and oh so cute with his Scottish slang.

But it kind of lost me around page 200 when Zachary revealed his secret....I mean...huh?!
oh well, I did enjoy the story and even liked Aura and the full cast of characters.
But I don't think I'll be continuing with the series unless I hear from a Goodreads friend that it gets better from here.