A review by jksh5678
Free to Live by Tracey Jerald


Reading Free to Live, the story of the last of the Freemans, the youngest, Holly had me feel so many emotions. I have loved everyone in this family so much that I am so sad to see them go, but after all the tragedy and heartbreak they have suffered through, my heart is filled with so much happiness to see them find such peace. But before we get to their happily ever after and the awesome epilogue in this book, we are taken on a very emotional and angsty road for Holly and Joe.

Right from the beginning, you are thrown into Holly’s gut wrenching past that has affected her throughout her life. But I am in such awe of the strength in her that has kept her going. I so admire the way she uses her passion for photography to showcase the world; she tries to capture the true and real emotion in every photo, whether the beauty or the pain.

The hero in this story, is a true hero, Joseph Bianco is a firefighter and he too has suffered. He endured a tremendous loss which has caused him to close off his heart to love. His life revolves around his little girl, Grace, and his community. As any true hero, he has this natural instinct to protect and serve his community, and it was this passion that reintroduced him to the Freemans. The first time we meet Joe was back in Free to Rejoice, it was a very difficult time for him and was not the greatest meet, he has made amends but there are still some feelings of guilt.

The relationship between Joe and Holly starts off as just friendship, that is all they were willing to give each other, but the connection between them was strong but boy were they stubborn!
There were many misunderstandings, interferences and excruciating internal conflicts. But once they were able to let go of the past and allow themselves the chance for love and peace, it was beautiful.

I really can not express how extraordinary this family is and Phillip has always been the big brother, sometimes father figure and also goofball in the family. In this book, I absolutely adored him, you know he loves everyone in this family and would do anything for them, but I felt in this book it really highlighted how much love he truly has for this family he has led for so many years.

I loved this story so much, it was emotional, beautiful, intense and so bittersweet since it was the last of the Freeman siblings but I am so looking forward to what is coming for us next.