A review by kinghungry
Song of Silver, Flame Like Night by Amélie Wen Zhao


This book was a difficult read because I was constantly back and forth on whether I wanted to finish it (especially in the first ~40%). The first half was a solid 2/5 but second half was a 3.5/5. I don’t enjoy “the chosen one” main character tropes, leaving me very frustrated with both main characters and some of the plot elements, but the pacing and allure of qi magic kept me hooked enough that I did finish.

Not an organized review by any means but moreso a collection of thoughts while reading this book:
• “The chosen one” main characters omg - MC’s mom has sealed within her this magic so powerful and special that other powerful figures have risked their lives to protect (eyeroll) the explanation at the end made this just a biiit more bearable
• The male MC is not spared this trope either - “oh i must shoulder this it is my destiny” like no, why would you not tell your master about this world ending plan (though despite that I did enjoy his POV chapters more than Lan’s.. is that my toxic trait??)
• There’s way too many dark/black-related adjectives for Zen - shadow, ink, etc like ok I get it this man has black hair and eyebrows and eyelashes and wears a lot of black and owns a lot of black things
• Villains are not original - why are they whitewalkers.. and the highest ranking ones are called Alloys??? Because they wield more metals??
• Why did the 4 heavenly beasts have to be demonic :(((

Things I liked:
• qi as musical notes was a cool concept
• Zen being so gentle with Lan because of her song girl history ugh what a sweetheart (the bar is so low I know)