A review by craiglister
The Dead Zone by Stephen King


Book Rating 7/10:

My first thought on this book was I can't help but draw parallels between Stillson and Trump. Of course, this was written in the ‘70s long before Trump became President. So maybe King like Johnny Smith could see the future or maybe he always knew populism would always take root in America. Only King can answer that one. My second thought on this book was that it's a strange one. It's enjoyable and of course, being a Stephen King novel it's well written. But it never truly blew me away like some of his other novels have done for example The Stand. Now don't get me wrong I had a good time reading it and would reread this novel at some point. It was just a middle of the road book for me. I did chuckle at the Carrie reference as it felt like King had somehow broken the fourth wall with it.