A review by thecaseofbooks
Toxxic by Jane Hennigan


I read an eARC of this book so thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley.

Another excellent dystopian thriller in the world of Moths from Jane Hennigan. I think I may have liked this one even more than Moths.

This one picks up slightly after the ending of moths and we see the return of some beloved characters from Moths as well as new voices and perspectives. While Jane Hennigan is such a good writer that you could understand what happened in Moths just by reading this one, I would highly recommend reading them in order to fully appreciate the world building and horror that came with the first book.

This felt like it leaned more sci-fi thriller, whereas moths felt a little more sci-fi horror. We have conspiracies, warring political factions and people caught in the middle. There are some harrowing descriptions of the initial infection event as well as moments of extreme violence happening in Toxxic’s timeline. 

This was a worthy sequel to Moths and I’m really impressed at what Jane Hennigan has done with this series. A unique dystopian world seen from the perspective of individuals trying to live their lives and do the right thing in a challenging, and often dangerous situation.