A review by explorebooks
Any Given Lifetime by Leta Blake


2.5? 3 Seems too high but 2 is too harsh.

Any Given Lifetime just wasn't my cup of tea. It felt like this story dragged on and on without anything ever actually happening. I listened to the audiobook and while there were moments that I enjoyed, I was more so glad to just have made it through the book so I could collect my thoughts and move on to something more to my tastes.

I'm not saying there's anything inherently wrong or bad about this book but simply that it wasn't for my tastes. The general idea of the story, of one of the MCs being reincarnated and having to wait until they grow up in order to find their love again...it was beautiful and original. But as for the characters themselves and the events of the story? I didn't really find anything about it all that interesting and I didn't especially care for either of the characters.

Also the entire part of the story that involves Lee as they show Joshua moving on just seems like it was pointless to focus on for so long with the way things turned out in the end but maybe that's just me.

Overall, I can see what people may have enjoyed about Any Given Lifetime but I didn't enjoy it myself as much as I hoped I would.