A review by minareadss
Love at First Spite by Alexandra Warren


This author does fun dialogue and banter between characters so well. The beginning of this had me ready to declare a new favorite author. But the rest? Whew chile. Nori and her flip flopping personality. As a matter of fact both their personalities didn’t seem stable, like the author wanted to have a quirky confident girl and a shy stiff dude but that didn’t mesh with her narrative so she had them switch it up so damn much i had whiplash.

Messy Ass Maxwell, with the corny plot twists that throughly turned me off Maxwell completely as a character and love interest. Nori always making concessions for Maxwell, despite some clear as day red flags from his past. Nori with her “why me out of every other woman” yet she’s so confident and self assured so her insecurities weren’t well explored and just seemed shoehorned in to make things more complicated than need be.

The alicia and lisa drama...The drama between the parents and all that other unnecessary shit. And the resolution??? Everyone telling Nori she was overreacting??? IM SOOOOO IRKED. I absolutely adored the first 20-30 percent of this story and the author took everything allllllll the way left. I cannot believe....I’ll be back to make this more coherent later maybe

Ps. I’ll probably try something else from her because I really enjoy her writing style and the dialogue but this narrative whew baby, this was not it! (For me at least) but I’m definitely willing to try again. Someday