A review by ravensandlace
Offsetting Penalties by Ally Mathews


A special thank you goes out to Entangled Teen for allowing me to read this early. All thoughts and opinions are my own!

I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. I used to have a dream to be a ballet dancer. I have always loved the way dancers could move across the stage in such a breathtakingly beautiful way. When I studied classical music in college, we watched a video of Swan Lake and I was in love. Ballet dancing and ballet dancing books will always hold a very special place in my heart.

That's why I was quite glad to get accepted to read this book. It's about a ballet dancer and a football player coming together. Opposites attract, right? Right you are, friend.

Despite loving ballet, I don't know that much about it. This book was almost like an informational guide on different types of dances and how to do them along with the benefits of ballet for those in football. I had no idea that some players use ballet to gain strength and flexibility. Makes sense in my eyes.

The connection between Izzy and Garret was adorable. I love the acquaintances to friends to maybe something more trope. I liked how both Izzy and Garret were willing to work things out and not give up, even when the school and their parents seemed to really be against them. I admire couples like that. Even though they were in high school, they knew what they wanted and that made my heart all warm and fuzzy.

Overall, this was a great and quick read. It had reminded me how much I love dance and how I now need to find more dancing books. I suggest this book to anyone who is looking for a fun read about opposites and how sometimes they really do attract.