A review by peterkeep
Eyes of the Void by Adrian Tchaikovsky


This was a really great follow up to Shards of Earth! I felt a lot more comfortable in the first third of this book: I remembered most of the names and species and factions, and there was a nice glossary or encyclopedia to help. So the world definitely felt more comfortable, and I was quicker to pick up on things as they happened because of it.

Even still, there were some great new characters and species, and I continue to love the way Adrian uses major locations to pace the book: each new place was exciting and fresh and moved the pace alone even during a long story.

I don't remember if we had as much time following Havaer in the first book, but I particularly enjoyed those sections here. I am a sucker for a good detective/agent plotline and his story scratches that itch for me really well. Idris and Solace are still wonderful characters and I love the camaraderie of the crew of the Vulture God and their connected friends and companions.

I'm very excited for the conclusion of this trilogy, and thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the review copy!