A review by mystimayhem
Flight by Sherman Alexie


Sherman Alexie understands all the things we don't talk about. He understands the humanity in people we try to distance ourselves from with words like 'monster' and 'evil'. He understands the feelings of emptiness that creep in with poverty. He understands the shame and remorse that fills in where a person once had hope. He paints pictures of people that are wonderfully three dimensional. His writing is a none-too-gentle reminder that people can't just be summed up in one deed. That some of us that do terrible things go home to families that we love and who depend on us. And that some of us who try every day to be good people will make mistakes that we will regret every day of our lives.
Flight is the best book I've read in a long, long time. It might even be my favorite. It's jarring and gruesome and heart breaking and 100% worth it.