A review by ash_tidke
The Memory of Souls by Jenn Lyons


I feel like I’m too much of an emotional mess after that ending (WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL) to review TMoS but here we go anyways.

We’re back to Kihrin and his friends after the end of TNoAT, and everything starts going deeper and darker and unfortunately sadder too. As with the previous two books, the characters are beautifully drawn, and we so much dismantling of toxic masculinity and homophobia. A particular section where Kihrin thinks about his views on sexuality and utterly destroys them OWNS me. More than that, Jenn Lyons opens up a lot of possibility for polyamory and we see so much diversity as with her other books. And, an ACTUAL LOVE TRIANGLE. Not a love hate or whatever thing you normally see, but an actual TRIANGLE.

Anyways, the plot was so much fun and we see much more of this world and get a variety of so many POV’s—ranging from Grizzst to Talea to Kihrin to Janel to even Teraeth! None of it ever went too fast, and I love the moral
complexity of this novel as the main character question whether what the Eight Immortals tell them to do is actually the right decision. We see so much more of this world, and gain a lot of insight to vanè society, and as always, there’s a multitude of weird and wonderful creatures—as well as dragons because who doesn’t love dragons??!!!!

I’d write more but I’m still so ruined by what Jenn did to Kihrin and co. I don’t think I can write anymore. Anyways, I’m super excited for The House of Always and can’t wait to see what happens next!!