A review by aimsyreads
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


This book is... Enough? I mean considering the fact that this is a book and I like books, I did end up liking it... But still... It most definitely did not live up to my expectations. It was recommended to me by a friend and while I do enjoy sci-fi every blue moon or so this was not it. It does an excellent job at world-building and I would love to know more about it. Like when I look at this book objectively I am immediately reminded of both the things I hate and love about this book simultaneously.

A thing about reading this book is that, while reading it I constantly and I mean constantly compared it with the author's other series, The Renegades and while I had my nitpicks about that series, it still feels a lot more polished than this one. The characters are definitely more interesting in the Renegades and the scenes were better written too. The plot was more cliché on that series too unfortunately. I guess my main problem with Marissa's books is that the plot is way too predictable. I knew all the major plot twists the minute the first hints were given. This kind of writing can still be salvaged though if you make the reveal fun and interesting... This book failed there too... The renegades, despite having cliché scenes had a less predictable plot which let me have a bit more fun.

Now the characters... Hands down they're better in renegades. There are some aspects of each character in Cinder that I do enjoy but in the end it feels lacklustre and uninspiring. And I definitely expected some more in depth moral conflicts or something that would make it interesting but I was disappointed.

Most fans out there do say that Cinder is the worst book in the series and it only goes up from here but... I don't know... I am very much demotivated to buy the next book. The fact that my review itself is this short is proof enough that this was just not that riveting. An extremely predictable plot compiled with shell like characters set in a captivating world was just not enough to have my attention. The only reason I finished this book was that I was sick and had nothing else to do. So kinda sad... But in the end it is my opinion and maybe if I ever do buy the rest of the series my view might change.