A review by meezcarrie
Double Dipped by Terry Korth Fischer


Who can resist a book with ice cream on the cover? And a mystery besides? Not me, which is how I came to be reviewing Double Dipped by Terry Korth Fischer – a cozy mystery quick read perfect for your summer vacation TBR list!

A teacher debating whether to renew her contract for another year impulsively decides to go back to the place where her happiest memories reside while she takes a couple more weeks to decide. That happy place is her Gram’s cottage in Moon Lake, Wisconsin, a place where her cousins and childhood sweetheart still live. However, nothing is as Retta remembers, at least not at first glance. So much has changed … and something other than the lake seems fishy.

Retta is a great character with a love for kids and a determined spirit. Despite the short word count, I felt like we did get to know Retta and childhood sweetheart Dean pretty well … but, that said, I would still love to spend more time in Moon Lake with these characters to unpack even more layers. For instance, Julie and Boone have great potential for further mysteries, too. Even old man Magruder’s dog Herman needs a story or two. I enjoyed getting to know these characters and their community – which despite its decline maybe hasn’t quite yet lost all of the heart that filled Retta’s memories.

Bottom Line: Double Dipped by Terry Korth Fischer is a quick read, light mystery with a couple of unexpected twists and several intriguing characters. The community of Moon Lake has its share of secrets and less-than-reputable characters but who is which may surprise you in the end. A bit of nostalgia, a bit of romance, and a bit of mystery combine to give readers a lovely choice for their own lakeside (or poolside or bedside) reading this summer – or any time of year.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first reviewed at Reading Is My SuperPower