A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
Faefever by Karen Marie Moning


For most of the book I was annoyed with everyone but Mac and Dani. Barrons, V'lane, Jayne, Rowena. Gosh, I just wanted the plot to pick up.
Mac's character growth started to show in Faefever. She can stand up for herself and is clever and more independent. I liked how she didn't have to depend on others as much (*cough* Barrons) and figured out a plan for herself.

I was frustrated by the lack of answers, thought the plot wasn't going anywhere, and could barely track of the different characters.

If there's something I admire in authors, it's courage. To send their beloved characters on a crazy ride and show that they can take a story further than what's expected.
Even though it has been foreshadowed, I can't believe what Moning did.
This book took a very, very dark turn. And for the better, because that's when I was most invested in the story.

Somehow I expected this series to keep ok like before; even when things got bad, they would somehow solve.
Wrong. In one section of this book KMM slaps the reader in the face and sets all hell loose.
It was awesome, gutsy and shocking.
4 stars alone for that part, but the rest of the book is 3 stars.
I'm both scared and excited to see where this story goes.