A review by kazza27
The Room in the Attic by Louise Douglas


Thank you to Rachel at Random Resources tours for my invitation to the tour and for my copy of the e book in return for a fair and honest review.

Lewis works for an architect and he is asked to visit All Hallows on Dartmoor for a client. What he does not let on is that he has a history with All Hallows. He was sent there to school by his father and step mother after his mother dies. We know from the outset that it was not a happy place for him and something traumatic happened there.

We go back to 1993 when Lewis is sent to All Hallows and there he meets Isak.

The second timeline of the story is about a young woman who is found with her child in the sea and is also taken to All Hallows but this time it is in 1903 when it is an asylum. The child is called Harriet and Nurse Everdeen is sent to look after her and her mother. No one knows what happened to Harriet and her mother, but she is badly injured.

The two stories run concurrently and it was easy to follow and switch between All Hallows in 1903 and 90 years later.

All Hallows gave me the chills, and poor Lewis he has had such a tough time and going to the awful school is the final straw for him. Brutal and unrelenting the school believes it will break any boy who does not adhere to the rules. Lewis makes a shocking discovery which leads him to investigate who Emma Everdeen was and why she was at All Hallows. Isak and him become engrossed with her story.

This is a really compelling read, it is dark and atmospheric. I could imagine the bleak and gothic setting on Dartmoor which is full of legends of ghosts and folklore. It particularly resonated with me as I have lived with Dartmoor in sight my whole life and my maternal grandmother was born in Scarborough so also have connections to North Yorkshire. It is a story full of mystery and suspense and it’s a great winter read for long dark nights!

5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐