A review by indecisivesailorscout
Angels' Dance by Nalini Singh


Jessamy and Galen have been regulars in the background of nearly every other book in the series so far, and it was so lovely to finally see their love story origin. I had no idea how old Jessamy actually was, and all of the things she's seen, but I loved how this story took place before she really grew into herself, and gave us a glimpse at other absolute babies, like a 100-year-old Illium (and how he started being called Bluebell!!) with brief mentions of his mortal lover (PLEASE SAY THAT STORY IS COMING SOON,,,) Aodhan prior to his Major Trauma, the barest beginnings of the rest of Raphael's court before the Seven became a thing, Alexander going into Sleep...so many little touches that helped flesh out the backstory of this world and everyone's favorite cast of troublemakers. I loved it.