A review by denizyildiz
Deathmaker by Lindsay Buroker


3.5 Stars

I think Deathmaker was a tad better than Balanced on the Blade's Edge.

The world building is getting better and better. I love the world Buroker has created. A little steampunk, some magic, pirates and flying warriors- totally my kinda thing.

The character building is interesting. I loved Tolemek. The stupid/genius that is lost and lonely, who had good intentions and ended up doing the worst kind of evil. Add to that muscles, great intellect, kind nature and broody dark moods and we have hotness personified.
Ahn is a strong female lead. In fact so far all the females are seriously interesting in the series. I love their strength and braveness, as well as their intelligence and feistiness.

The romance was fast but not insta. I totally believed it. I felt their connection and I was rooting for the kiss to happen way way way before it finally happened. So much better than in the first instalment.

I like the series so far and am going to start Blood Charged right away.