A review by phoenixinthecity
Her Favorite Rebound by Jackie Lau


This was a slowburn, instalove (for Jake), pseudo-love triangle romcom that was almost a DNF for me because I was kind of annoyed with Sierra for her pseudo-model Asian-ess, and I saw pseudo because while she confounds her mother's expectations about her life choices, she doesn't want to come across as too demanding with her billionarie boyfriend who turns out to be white dude with an Asian fetish - which, eww; and I was eye-rolly with Jake's love at first sight for Sierra because come on.
I'm glad I decided to give it a chance and power through though because this read spicier than Lau's books to date...maybe because Jake and Sierra have a bit of a power dynamic going and once they get together, things heat up.
I'm curious about Rose's story which is the next and final book in the series. I think that's going to be a lot angstier, and from the sounds of it, closest to Lau's life since she's talked about her own struggles with mental health and has mentioned that her own mother died of suicide, which we're told is part of Rose's own back story.