A review by emilyusuallyreading
Daring to Hope: Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful by Katie Davis Majors


There is a more realistic, serious tone in Daring to Hope than in Kisses from Katie. Katie is no longer a wide-eyed teenager determined to adopt every orphan she can. She has faced the gut-wrenching loss that so many do in total poverty. She has lost a child, good friends, and so many community members. She knows the gravity of her life calling - and so her wisdom now comes from a place of steadfastness and hope rather than of giddy optimism. This is so refreshing.

I appreciated the chronological order of the book. Katie often breaks into tangents and explanations of different Bible stories, comparing her situation to that of Abraham, of Martha, and so on - and knowing that we would step back into where we were before helped with the clarity of her story.