A review by mickachoo
The Dark Days Pact by Alison Goodman


Hello, I'm here to cry about all my feelings of love for this book, Lord Carlston, Lady Helen, William and Helen together and pretty much everything else.


I am still reeling. Lord, help.
I was dying to get my hands on this book and I'm so mad at myself for reading it so fast; I wanted to make it last as long as possible since the conclusion doesn't come out until November but I couldn't help it! These books are just so good!

My never dying love for Lord Carlston (WILLIAM!!!!) was so well fed! These books are a whole five course meal, some finger sandwiches, and a midnight snack. And they just get better as they go!

Once again, I am just utterly taken by the historical accuracy and elements in this world of Lady Helen's. Alison Goodman does such a beautiful job painting us a picture of Regency era England and the society within it. It's such a beautiful thing to read and just adds so much more to the amazing story that is already there.

In the first book, like I said in my review for it, it was a slow progress. Partly because there was a lot of introduction for the world/society, the characters, and the paranormal elements to the story. I wondered if this book would be the same case and while it wasn't exactly so, there were moments that seemed a bit sluggish but were necessary to the plot so I'm not mad about it.

We see such beautiful character development in this book since we're past the stage of introductions and all.

Helen is such a wonderful character. She's caught up in being estranged from her uncle and she's trying to deal with this new world she's brought into as well as her growing feelings for Carlston and, his ever annoying ass, the Duke. (I WILL FIGHT ANYBODY WHO LIKES GERARD WITH HIS DOODOO HEAD SELF!) Helen is also making connections and friendships with the other characters in the book all the while racing to learn how to be a proper Reclaimer and deal with what exactly is going on with Carlston and some other things I won't mention because spoilers. Helen is such an admirable characters as she faces obstacles throughout the paranormal side of society as well as the proper England one. There's a fine line she has to trod, and cross, and all the while, she has to figure out just who she is as a person. She's a really delightful character, headstrong and beautifully flawed.

My one problem I had with Helen was some puppy-like-love towards the beginning of the book but it was quickly brushed off and also necessary so we can deal with that!

While Carlston is not quite as present as Helen and therefore doesn't get as much obvious character development, he's still such an entertaining character and he's still such a mystery that I look forward to learning so much more about him in the next book. He obviously has a very interesting past and things that were revealed at the end of the book (HOW RUDE OF AN ENDING) will definitely make for some interesting character and plot developments in TDDD. There's so much we've yet to find out about him and I really want to see more of him. I love his hateful ass to death and I just want to see him happy, okay! He's obviously got a good heart and he really is dedicated to TDDC but he also has a lot of shit weighing down on his shoulders and people expecting a lot from him.

Aside from my ship, which I'm still crying over, another favorite character is Michael Hammond. He's such a kind soul and soft and I really love him. I'd like to punch his sister though.
There's really so many loveable characters in these books that I'm so attached.

This book was such a great addition to the series. There were so many new people and things and places to read about here and it just keeps you from wanting to ever put it down. I really can't wait for the next book.