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A review by bookish_kristina
What You See by Cherise Sinclair


Things I’ve noticed about this author on my reread of this series:

1. She loves to use the rescuing of a stray animal as a plot device. Honestly, get a new hook.

2. She really hates or has extreme unresolved jealousy issues with pretty women. They are frequently used as villains, conflict and belittled in her books. Seek therapy and get over this, it’s internalized misogyny.

3. She loves to write a POC with an accent, but always makes sure they are half white. Not sure why these characters are American born but have accents but she loves it.

4. Ow drama is always, always, always present.

5. Her covers are shit. They are badly photoshopped and the models are always weird looking with bad haircuts. This guy is bald but he’s an obvious poor man’s Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, who she frequently compares him to.

6. She uses the words ‘simply’, ‘nibble’ and ‘testicles’ too often. Testicles wasn’t used in this one but it bears repeating from the last book, I’m still traumatized by its use twice in a sex scene preceded by the word ‘heavy’.

Sometimes you can like an author but wind up reading too much from them and then all the rinse and repeat plotting becomes annoying. I’m leaving this at four star because I only really skim read this but it’s honestly just a three star read. But the research was really well done and the writing flows well. She has talent honestly but I need her to stop with the copy paste, formula shit. This book and book two are so very similar they almost both don’t need to exist. You’ll see that this review is identical to my review for book two. Just taking a page out of your book Cherise (pun intended).