A review by booknerd777
Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse


This book was just okay. I was excited to read it because it's set in Japan, but it was a letdown. I loved the setting and all the Japanese references, but there were a lot of things that I didn't like. The main character was kind of unlikable, and I didn't care for her friends. They weren't very likable, either. Also, the insta-love was too much for me and it made me hate the romance. It just felt too forced, and I didn't see a connection between them at all. So this book wasn't bad, but I didn't love it. I gave it a higher rating because it takes place in Japan. I also hated the ending. I hate books that have an open ending, because it makes the experience of reading the book pointless and a waste of time. I considered not finishing it, but I stuck through it because I was almost finished with it. If you're looking for a cute, romance book this is not for you. If you want a good YA contemporary set in Japan, I highly recommend "Ink" by Amanda Sun. I read that book earlier this year and it was so much better! Also, there were actually Asian characters in that book. This book is set in Japan, but all the characters were white. It didn't make any sense to me. However, it was a quick read, and it only took me three days to read.