A review by bookslifeandeverythingnice
Corrections in Ink: A Memoir by Keri Blakinger


Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Keri Blakinger for an ARC audiobook copy to review. As always, an honest review from me.

Trigger warning: substance use, sexual assault, prison, eating disorders, suicidal ideations

- The author is her real authentic self, even when discussing difficult experiences
- It’s not the glamorized or typical successful child to train wreck adult, story that so much of media like to sensationalize for views, but the real honest reality of living with these struggles day to day

- That it’s the author herself narrating the audiobook
- The power of journalism and its role in justice
- Keri used her not so great life experiences to make the world and prison especially a better place

Wish that:
- She would have gotten more mental health help as a child and young adult so she didn’t have to suffer as much

- Some parts became a little repetitive and boring

Overall, a good book about many very important topics that are currently affecting our society. The memoir format really allows the important messages to hit home much more than a traditional non fiction book would. Very real, raw and honest and I commend Keri for sharing her story with the world.