A review by jamespatrickjoyce
Feynman by Jim Ottaviani, Leland Myrick


This was an incredibly fun biography of arguably the biggest personality in physics. Feynman the joker; Feynman the sage; Feynman the lover... Feynman the man.

Failings, successes, ideas, the man's life is well-covered in an engaging, interesting way. The writing is accessible, although I must note that you will get some science. You won't have to parse any equations (though you'll see some), but you will be exposed to some philosophical and scientific concepts that aren't... light-weight. But with visuals!

Anyway, this was one of the most engaging biographies that I've ever read and I am supremely happy that it turned up (I hadn't even been looking for anything like it). A graphic novel biography of a physicist! Huh.

If you find this, open to the first scene, titled "Some Fool Physicist" (just before the scene with the Tyrannosaurus Rex crashing through the little boy's bedroom wall) and give it a read. Just a few pages of comic book. For me, those first few pages hooked me into Feynman's life's adventure.