A review by lostlenore_
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


WOW! This book really put me in a one-month reading slump and finishing it felt so GOOD.

While the premise is enjoyable and full of rich smells and sensory images, I wish this was what is only needed for a book to be more than 3 stars. The dynamics of the couple were pretty much the same throughout the novel as we already knew they would end up together somehow. The hole idea that reminds me so much of Now You See Me/ The Prestige, while it had great potential, it felt like going in circles after the first 100 pages in the story.

The omniscient narrator suits the story but this is not the way for the reader to connect with the characters and thus, I simply skimmed many pages that were the same thing (about the circus mysterious mechanics, about setting the scene, about how the circus moved) until I found things that intrigued me which were the characters' reactions to things but guess what? The narrator kept failing me whenever I needed to connect with them the most.

This book should have been 200 pages shorter. The premise is very interesting but going around in circles only to show us that love conquers all WITHOUT being more than superficial about the characters is not my cup of tea.

Yes, romance is about love conquers all but you need connection, plot twists and cliffhangers. Once you get the hold of this book, you can pretty much predict what's going on. And the solution to the problem of Celia and Marco was...FLAT.