A review by bookdust_and_spice
Close Quarters by Kandi Steiner


My first Kandi Steiner and it did NOT disappoint. 4.5 stars!

I am a SUCKERRRR for age gap romances.. billionaire to boot? Sign me up, pleeeeease. I loved the way the tension starts in the first chapter and literally builds page by page.. we think there's release and then SIKE. This happens at least 2 more times. By the time our MCs are finally living out their fantasies we as the reader feel like we are also finally get some relief lol.

I felt like the relatability of our girl Aspen was spot on - post university, trying to find your place, kind of realizing that you've been coasting in the comfort of a relationship that's been your constant only to discover that you have SO. MUCH. TO. OFFER. I feel like billionaire romances get flak for being too out of touch (which, obviously.. its fiction and also - bet you aren't a billionaire, Susan) - but towards the 80% mark this even had me being a little "ehhhhh."

Overall, I loved the dynamic between Aspen and Theo - you might could argue
Spoiler there's some cheating trope involved here, although I don't personally feel like anyone violated any boundaries that aren't sometimes pushed in dating relationships of younger people

If you like:
- watching the FMC bloom like a dang flower when loved the right way (and also the freaking soonest lines of any MMC I've read so far this year, like literally.. send me a man like Theo lol)
- main character tension that builds and builds and alllllmost releases only to build and build and then BOOM
- happily-ever-afters without a third-act break-up
.. then you should read this one. She's a standalone that reads quick (like, less than 5 hours) and we get a chance to see the world through a creative's eyes - I bet you have a hard time putting this one down, too!