A review by jbsco
The Embrace by Vivian Wood


The 3rd book was totally worth the wait! Almost losing Callum is more than Kaia can bear. She has to finally decide what is most important in her life. Ballet has always been her first love, but with the pressure from her father increasing and her love for Callum growing she must take stand. As she is trying to figure all of that out, Callum is becoming increasingly agitated and angry. He hasn't told her his darkest secret, but he knows he has to do something or he will lose the one thing he can't live without, Kaia. They have to go through so much pain and anguish to get what they both want, a life together. Love the supporting characters and their stories, add so much to Kaia and Callum's, I just loved the ending!! I can't wait for Lucas's book!