A review by kp68
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann


I'm really not sure how to rate this novel, I felt both annoyed and entertained in equal measure throughout, mainly due to the way it was written.
I see the format as both a negative, repetitive and difficult for me to maintain focus; and also a positive, in that it's original and doesn't leave you feeling totally crushed by the state of the goings on in today's world.
The novel touches on so many issues of concern to me that if I dwell too long on them, make me feel a real sense of helplessness.
Perhaps this format is the perfect way to deal with that. Touching on topics of concern then veering away before the reader has a chance of becoming overwhelmed with the gravity. A lot of it is quite frivolous but hidden among the silliness is a lot of darkness.
Overall I enjoyed reading it but I do think the author's point could quite easily have been made in far fewer pages as by the end I started to feel quite irritated and just wanted it to be over. I am glad I finished it, though I'm not sure it's something I'd recommend to others.